Phase Shift’s Tony Warner and Jim Wolf discuss how museums can pivot existing exhibit technology and make smart updates to adapt to a new global normal. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed everything—from travel to education to work—and it’s likely that nothing will remain untouched by social distancing measures once the smoke clears. Museums are no […]
Phase Shift Consulting Founder Tony Warner explains how you can fast-track and augment your company’s telework strategy With COVID-19 making headlines around the world, almost every organization in the United States, if they haven’t already, is looking into remote working strategies and policies to protect employees, slow the infection rate and maintain productivity. Unfortunately, it’s […]
Phase Shift’s Scott Chester explains why hiring a healthcare technology designer early in a project could be more beneficial than a line item for the latest healthcare equipment It’s a curse and advantage of being a technology designer: we know just how beneficial technology can be in the right hands. For our healthcare clients in […]
Phase Shift’s Jim Wolf explains why it takes a true expert to know when cutting-edge technology solutions are the best call for your organization. And when they aren’t. 2020 is an interesting time for technology. With smartphones in every pocket and high-speed internet in almost every home, our endless supply of gadgets makes all of […]
Tony Warner, Founder and President of Phase Shift Consulting Tony Warner Launches Phase Shift Consulting With a business model focused on agility and lean project delivery, Phase Shift Consulting recently launched in response to the changes in today’s marketplace. “As I surveyed the current landscape and trajectory of the industry, I was convinced there had […]
The Shifting Landscape: What are today’s AV service providers facing? More than a decade ago, I was an advocate for the many benefits of delivering audiovisual consulting and design services within the context of a larger design firm. By having many services under one umbrella, a firm was much better positioned for seamless collaboration. It […]
CELEBRATING 60 YEARS OF SOUND & COMMUNICATIONS: THE INDUSTRY LOOKS BACK As Sound & Communications Magazine was getting its start 60 years ago, RTKL Associates was a blossoming architectural firm with one office in Baltimore MD. Audiovisual design was nowhere on the radar. Over the coming decades, the firm expanded into new locales and new […]
Training Tomorrow’s Workforce: One program at a time can yield excellent results. Regardless of their channel in the AV industry, most companies have struggled at some point with the need to find and hire strong people. As today’s workforce continues to change, our industry often wrestles with where tomorrow’s talent will come from. Commercial AV, […]
Striking A Balance: Design, integration and technology management must work together in today’s churches. The new contemporary church model characterized by the heavy use of technology and multimedia has provoked profound changes to such things as facility design, multimedia systems design and staffing requirements, to name just a few. Striking a balance: design, integration and […]
The good, the bad and the ugly aspects of them. Should ‘Spec’ Be A Four Letter Word? In the AV industry, the term “spec” is one of those loosely used terms that frequently is misunderstood. Spec is the common short name for “specifications.” For anyone involved in the formal construction industry, having an accurate understanding […]